I look forward to this video. Thanks for sending. As for friends etc, when you are basicly home bound this is harder than it sounds. I arrange many visits and zoom calls but it is not like actually doing things together. It is sit and catch up. Plus people have lives and these things are hard to arrange. I am not being pessimistic. This is the voice of experience as well as knowledge of others' plights. In my former life I was an active psychiatrist with many patients booth medically and mentally ill. Our culture has little place for such folks. Rheumatologic, neurologic, psychiatric, and basic medical diseases keep millions in straits like me. There is virtually no voice for chronic illness. I know what you'll say, "then you be the voice." I have tried with little success. People like dramatic stories of victory over unlikely odds, not living a miniaturized life. But there is something here tot say I agree. I must find the words.