I must agree with Prudence below. There is a lot of rambling. Kastrup is a proponent of many strong idealist points. He often extrapolates matters from science in ways they were never intended. That does not make him wrong but it's everywhere.
Deep down I hope Kastrup is right about most things. I just wish he'd settle down with a rigorous theory or teaching (if he wants to be just philosophical or religious). I will throw in my own piece of idealism: consciousness comes before matter. I'd add life to that. So life and consciousness existed before matter and organisms, not the other way around. Nothing in matter has the ability to cause consciousness or life itself. The youngish scientists are soooo sure it's not this way. We have it all almost figured out they believe. They do not know that their worlds are about to crumble. The biological consensus is falling apart. We are not wet robots but something else entirely. Physics has some blowing up to do itself but it is not clear where that will take place. II suspect nothing like what we think (multiworlds, quantum gravity, etc)..