This is really a beautiful article. I wish everyone in this election season (or anytime really) would read it and absorb its message. Much of what's happening in our country is due to lack of community. We could see by simply making the small community of the cafe you all became close and saw each other as people not evil opinions. I'll add my own small piece of advice: if we began our political debates with the simple statement, "this is how my view will make peoples' lives better." And then go on the explain why gun ownership, abortion, entitlement programs, particular international policies, etc will make some peoples' lives better. Individuals don't believe what they believe out of sheer emotion. Deep down there is a rationale that this is somehow better for citizens. That is where we should start. Not rights, the Constitution, or someone's supposed evil intent. Just what is this idea supposed to do to make life better for people. Because that is what we all want.